At this stage, I'm going to make a brake just to summarize all what I have said through this blog. Before everything I say that my happiness is so great to have my own blog and to express my feelings. It was a dream what David helped me to realise a thursday evening. Yes, before that day I got any ideas about a blog! But now I'm proud of what I was able to do here. For a beginning, my satisfaction is big, in any case. It was a great experience to have shared this moment with some formidable students, and to have been some times corrected by David. And finally, I recognize that my subject was important and that it interested everybody. Because the futur of children soldiers concerns the whole humanity. I also recognize that some of my images were shocking, but very often it necessary to ''hurt'' souls, so that things change. My philosophy is that we shouldn't continue to hide wounds of the world, otherwise they are never going to be cured!If life is not a simple game, don't let our children feed themseves with hatred before the beginning of their life, it always returns to a suicide! Thus, sensibilization has to continue, that is also why this blog must be maintained. I find it as a duty. Besides, I even dream to create another blog in french. But beyond the importance of the subject, I aimed the improvement of the level of my english. In that way a large progress has been realised, thus, I have no interest to stop here.
God is great, and He is also Peace and Love.
Thanks to everybody for all, and see you soon!.
dimanche 26 avril 2009
samedi 25 avril 2009

This is the last image I have from Sierra leone about crimes against children in this small country, in west africa. He's name is SHEKU, he was about 11 years old when tribal war entered in his country. Captured for some reasons that I dont know, and that Sheku himself can't explain exactly, but the small boy should exchange his life against his hands. As in a tale, for nothing at all, this is the main reason, that he lost his hands. These type of sins took place millions of times in Sierra leone. Behind a singular ''entretainment'', politics seemed to be satisfied with it, unfortunatly! God, when I know that these crimes are never going to be punished! Unfortunatly, my friend SHEKU is condamned to live as you se him a piece of wood
mardi 21 avril 2009

We are in Sierra leone in 1995, exactly at Fonday Sankoh's time. The singular philosophy at this time was that, if unfortunetly you have been captured by your ennemies camp, you had to choose between dying or having your hands cut. A very bad choice at all, but no one was going to accept being killed, the second solution. That's why thousands of people are handless in Sierra leone nowadays. This boy is a typical example, at the place of his hands, he has now something like hands, hands of steel. It means that he will never use his genuine hands for any necessity. Mutilated for ever, he will never forgive his ennemies.
Photo: Reuters (amidou)
lundi 13 avril 2009
CHILDREN'S FREEDOM: a natural right !!!!!

mercredi 8 avril 2009

She is an Liberian girl. She is young and prety. But it came a day when she decided to join rebel's organization. It was surelly her choice because she has reached her majority. But I'm not so sure that her choice save her for the rest. Now in Liberia it is question to be intellectual before getting a suitable place in the new society. But has she been to school? Has she any other qualfication?

He thought he was a god in his forest, but he has been arrested as a simple criminel. Now all that we're waiting for is his trial. I know that the time has come for him to prouve his inocence, if not we still consider him guilty against childhood in general in Africa. Beccause it has been prouved that he used hundred children, boys and girls, as soldiers, the first protectors of his land. But we hope through his futur trial, not to make grow up again another NKUNDA in Africa for ever.
dimanche 5 avril 2009

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