Children soldiers at this age, but they are neither affraid nor ashamed of their new military clothes. They look as if they are conscious of their new duties. It must not be easy, but they seem to know it right now. May be they have taken exemple on TV. Therefore, should we close our tv set in order to save the rest of our children? that is my question this morning.
I guess it depends on how seriously you take the TV. I almost never watch it. Normally I just choose to watch the series that I like; I don't flick through the channels (c'est-à-dire "zapper") very often.
RépondreSupprimerHave you encountered any TV shows which would really encourage children to take arms and become soldiers? I think TV might be to blame, but surely it's more to do with social factors and influences from inside the societies where these children grow up?
P.S. Your English is really improving Amidou, I think!