I couldn't forget this picture for you. As flowers, childwood has it's genuine colours. I'm so glad behind such a mingling of the nature. It means that, howere they are black, white, yellow, green or red, all our duty is to secure them and to provide them the pleasure of living. Oh! may God bless the author of this picture. What do think about it?
It looks abit like my own family. I hope they protect this baby from the sun, because I suppose it could be fatal.
RépondreSupprimerBy the way, how are the albinos considered in Africa? Are they fully accepted or rejected?
Their life is very difficult in some areas in Africa.They are still purchased cause of their oils. It's said to contain some mystic effects.
RépondreSupprimerp.s. amidou do you mean childhood, or is childwood something different?
RépondreSupprimeralso i think you probably want to say "whether they are black, white, yellow..."
"whether they are black, white, yellow..." Yes, DAVID, you help me, I didn't know this term.
RépondreSupprimerI mean by ''CHILDHOOD'' the period before being teenager. What is the correct sentence?
xx caro xx
RépondreSupprimerThat photo is amazing! It is a beautiful thing to see as it shows happiness!
I have a friend who is Albino, but that can't be compared to this child here. Their lifes are totally different, and also the context...
I can't believe that some of them are purchased... it is a kind of racism => they are scared of what is different, and connect it to mystic effects.