Here we are in RDC (République Démocratique du Congo).
They are too young, about only 3, 4 years, not more. But very early every morning, they wake up and get out with they wooden ''kalach''. They find their occupation too normal, because they use to seen they fathers, brothers and sisters strugling and killing in the road. They are the marvelous heros. Then it appears normal to imitate the heros. But imagine their life at their teenager's days. That is their first meeting in the violnce.
It's horrible, I'm agree with you Amidou!
RépondreSupprimerWhat you say is making me thinking about the mafia in Italy : in the film (and in the book) we can see the fascination of young people for weapons. They want to make part of mafia to have a gun and the power which is conceded with it. But they don't realize the risk because they don't control anything and if you're in the mafia you can't go back.
sorry, the book and the film is gommorra!
RépondreSupprimerYeah if you enter into that world at an incomprehensively early age, you'll never know any other reality. You probably grow up wanting to take revenge on somebody because a family member or friend has been killed by such violence...
RépondreSupprimerJust one thing Amidou: say "in their teenage years" instead of "at their teenager's days"
Oh hey Lucie sorry, just to say that in English, "faire partie de qch" is "to be a part of", or in this case it would probably just be, "they want to become a member of the mafia"
RépondreSupprimerWho wrote the book by the way?