What was his name? It not important anymore, because...of that his face shows. But I know that he was from Srilanka...that all.
The young and handsome boy has just lost his young soul, as a flower in the fire, dead as a child soldier with a weapon in his hands. But who is going to take care of such an unknown deaf? A child soldier at his deaf place, is considered as an animal on the street. Here he is at the end of the beginning of his adventure, because life is an wonderfull adventure, but to see that it is delicious we should be alive.
another great post in terms of the quality of your English Amidou. you obviously write with a lot of feeling; this is transmitted successfully into English
RépondreSupprimerjust a few hints though:
RépondreSupprimerc'est tout = that's all
"who is going to take care of such an unknown deaf" ==> "who is going to care about such an unknown death" (to take care of = s'occuper de, like for children; to "care about" means something like s'intéresser à, which I believe is what you wanted to say)