Agence France-PresseLa Haye
The trial of the former war chief, Thomas Lubanga (RDC), is the first at CPI (Cour Pénale Internationale). The great accusation against this rebel concerns his crimes of war and the recruitment of children as soldiers. ‘’It’s the first trial of such accusation, but it will be a good example to make the dealers disappointed all over the world'', said Héloïse Ruaudel, journalist specialised of Grands Lacs.
Milician chief in Bunia
did you know they've published an decree for the arrest of the Sudanese leader for war crimes and crimes against humanity?
RépondreSupprimerdo you know about the situation in The Sudan? I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to Africa I'm afraid
xx caro xx
RépondreSupprimerAnd so what happened to him after the trial??
was he sent to jail or was he convicted to death??
It seems to me that this man should not have his photo and his name on that blog! But as you say, his arret has to be an example for the others...